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Writer's picturechloe2762


Dear Members Many of you will remember the old Fallowbrook Western Riding Club and the reasons for its demise. Now my divorce is final and I know that my ownership of the stables at Crowhurst Farm is secure, I feel it may be time resurrect Fallowbrook and restore it to its previous position as one of the largest and most popular western riding clubs in the south-east. One of my main reasons for considering this change is that the Club will be able to apply for funding from Kent Sport and other bodies to support its growth and participation levels. Funding is currently available for the hire of coaches, venues and for the training of coaches and volunteers. There is always an element of matched funding/contribution required from the Club and its members but it does make things more affordable, such as a visit from Lou Roper, or hire of winter indoor arenas! I would be looking for volunteers to sit on the Committee with me, especially a finance officer and membership secretary! In order to discuss this in more detail and its implications for current members, I thought it best to hold an ‘AGM’ . So, I’m thinking of Saturday, 4th February – after Chat and Ride. This would be in the tea room at 1pm. I hope as many members can attend as possible and we can toss some ideas around and see what we want for the future of our Club. Pauline be

All reactions: 14Lenka Sirova, John Ayles and 12 others

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1 Comment

Jan 24, 2023

That sounds a great idea! I’ve always thought the name Fallowbrook was so lovely and evocative and the practical advantages sound good too! X

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