Hi Everyone
Going forward all payments will need to be made into the new Fallowbrook bank account below. All monthly payments can be stopped after your February payment. I can help with this if you are unable to cancel the payment.
Membership of Fallowbrook will be £40 per annum for a single membership - BUT - this will include one non-riding member, ie husband and wife, mum and daughter etc. It is to ensure that all our lovely non-riding helpers are still welcome and covered by the insurance!!!
Joint membership will be £60 per annum for a couple living at the same address, so similar as above but with both parties riding at events.
Supporter membership for all those not included in the categories above will be £10.
Minimum age for members is 16.
Membership will run from 1st March to 28th February
Nationwide Building Society
PayPal is fallowbrook@gmail.com You can only use this is you use the Friends and Family option.
Looking forward to an exciting 2023 and beyond!!